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2019 Year in Review
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It's the March of 2020 now. I am super late this time to write about my last year in review blog post. The thing is, 2020 has been a super confusing ride from the beginning. And it's just March. Anyways, more about 2020 next year. I'll just take out some time now to write about 2019 while I am in Delhi for the Holi holidays.
2019 was great. A lot went down in the last year. I will actually have to trim down on the details to keep this brief.
I remember I had spent the midnight of the new year at of one of my friend's house party, and with the remaining Mantri friends in the next / first day.
In February I made my first company funded trip to a developer Conference in Bangalore. Who knew this this was going to trigger a chain of business trips in the coming days of the year. That 1 week in Bangalore was ultimate fun. It was also my first Bangalore visit (also who knew many more Bangalore visits awaited for me in the year end. But those were more of personal trips :) )

April - Leaving Mantri Celestia
As the people from my initial group of college-office friends started to leave Hyderabad one by one (some went abroad while others transfered to Delhi), I moved out of the Mantri society to a different one. I had some really great times during my one and a half years of my stay in this society, specially with those friends.

I had moved to a neary by society (My Home Vihanga) which offered more space and amenities. With bigger room now, the first thing I did was buy an electric drum kit which is pretty cool.

June - Flat party
I hosted my first flat party in June. It was insane. I will have to write another article to narrate the incidents that went down that night (to the next morning). From breaking beds to beer pongs, TT table falling, drums & guitar to what not. Some people claim that in the end I started to force people out of my house. But that part is not true.
July - China trip
In July I made a trip to China with my team-mate / friend for work purposes. It was a great experience. We tried different restaurants and chinese food, visited Beijing, Shanghai and the Great Wall. We explored several great attractions and I played some good football matches also.
We walked so much along the The Great Wall of China that our legs were literally shaking in the end. In Shanghai, we had gotten lost for several hours at midnight while we could not get a place to stay (was kind of fretting for a while). Now that is a separate story altogether and will write a separate post for that.
Also, I got a weird haircut from China in the end.

Made a brief visit to Mumbai in August from office. Though it was just for 3 days, had a relaxing time.
Also to mention, I had thought of taking more initiatives and have more social life outside of work. I met and talked with some new people and developed new friendships and relationships.
Sep - U.S. visit
In September I made a work related visit to the United States. It was an amazing two and a half week trip. I explored different places, food and activities in the different cities I visited - Seattle, Bellevue, L.A., Boston, Cambridge and New York. Since I really like the movie 'The Social Network', made a visit to the Harvard Campus also. The U.S. trip was phenomenal.

Oct - Dubai visit
In October I made a trip to Dubai with some of my office friends. That trip was a roller coaster. Had some great moments, boths up and downs. Also we rode some of the fastest roller coasters in Ferrari World.

Oct onwards there were lots of Bangalore trips. Man that city has lots of cafes and clubs to offer.
Dec - China visit
Early December I made one more work visit to China (Shanghai). That city is lit (like literally)

2019 was a great year. Full of experiences, friendships and learnings. I had gotten a promotion, made several trips and learnt different things like skateboarding, lawn tennis and more drums. Looking forward to a invest more in myself in 2020.